全球快看点丨深南电B: 2022年年度报告摘要(英文版)
Summary of the Annual Report of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd. of 2022
Stock code: 000037, 200037 Short Form of Stock: Shen Nan Dian A, Shen Nan Dian B No.: 2023-018
Summary of the Annual Report of Shenzhen Nanshan Power
Co., Ltd. of 2022
Summary of the Annual Report of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd. of 2022
I. Important notes
The summary is abstract from full text of the annual report. For more details of operating results, financial condition and future
development plan of the Company, investors should refer to the full text of the annual report published on media designated by
Except independent director Mr. Chen Zetong was unable to personally attend the Board Meeting to review annual report due to
work reasons, authorized independent director Mr. Du Wei to attend the meeting and exercise voting rights on his behalf. All other
directors attended the Board Meeting for annual report deliberation.
Prompt of non-standard audit opinion
□Applicable Not applicable
Profit distribution pre-plan of common stock or capitalizing of common reserves pre-plan deliberated by the Board in the reporting
□Applicable Not applicable
The Company plans not to pay cash dividends, issue bonus shares and increase share capital by converting from public reserves this
Profit distribution pre-plan of preferred stock deliberated and approved by the Board in the reporting period
□Applicable Not Applicable
II. Company information
Stock abbreviation 000037, 200037 Stock code Shen Nan Dian A, Shen Nan Dian B
Stock exchange for listing Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Person/Way to contact Secretary of the Board of Directors Securities affairs representative
Name Zou Yi
Office address
District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province
Fax 0755-26003684
Tel. 0755-26003611
Email investor@nspower.com.cn
The main business of the Company is production and operation of power supply and heating, as well as technical consulting and
service related to power station (plants). At the end of reporting period, the Company holds two wholly-owned and holding gas
turbine plants, which equipped with five sets of 9E gas steam combined cycle power generating units, with total installed capacity up
to 900,000 KW (Nanshan Power Factory: 3×180,000KW, Zhongshan Nanlang Power Plant: 2×180,000KW).The two gas turbine
plants are located in the power-load center of the Pearl River Delta, and it is the main peak-regulating power supply in the region
which is currently in normal production and operation state.
On February 21, 2022, after deliberation and approval at the 5th extraordinary meeting of the 9th Board of Directors of the Company,
the Company started the shutdown and decommissioning of two 9E gas turbines of Shen Nan Dian Zhongshan Company, and
submitted its application for shutdown and decommissioning to the Guangdong Province Energy Bureau on November 24, 2022.
Shen Nan Dian Zhongshan Company will continue its power generation business before obtaining the approval, which will not have
a significant impact on the current production and operation of the Company and Shen Nan Dian Zhongshan Company.
During the reporting period, the electricity business faced many challenges, such as repeated Covid-19 epidemic, fierce electric
power market competition and high fuel prices. In order to minimize the negative impact of the external environment on the
Company"s operating performance, the Company implemented a series of business layout and management changes with innovative
thinking and tenacious perseverance, defined the annual business objectives and guidelines, took major targeted measures, constantly
strengthened the economic operations management on the basis of continuously intensifying work safety management. Complying
with the accelerating trend of electric power market reform in Guangdong province, the Company organized two subordinate power
plants to actively participate in the electricity market-oriented marketing competition and achieved good results, and made
contributions to reduce losses.
During the reporting period, the Company"s non-electricity business also faced tremendous pressures and challenges. The Shen Nan
Dian Engineering Company continues to develop technical consulting and technical services for domestic gas turbine power plant
construction while resisting the pressure of epidemic control and prevention and promoting overseas projects. The Shen Nan Dian
Summary of the Annual Report of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd. of 2022
Environment Protection Company has shifted its focus to exploring the path of business transformation and upgrading due to the
environmental protection pressure and the adjustment of Shenzhen municipal sludge disposal route.
(1) Main accounting data and financial indexes for recently three years
Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data or not
□ Yes No
Unit: RMB
Year end of 2022 Year end of 2021 Increase/decrease y-o-y Year end of 2020
Total assets 2,606,216,345.99 2,790,002,824.41 -6.59% 3,020,830,930.06
Net assets attributable to
shareholders of the listed 1,455,129,894.84 1,615,293,135.51 -9.92% 2,054,741,847.64
Changes in the current
year (+,-)
Operating income 694,227,657.28 757,175,743.41 -8.31% 985,253,831.58
Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed -160,163,240.67 -439,448,712.13 63.55% 64,024,291.32
Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed
Company after deducting -225,967,573.71 -514,142,213.75 56.05% 7,601,038.59
non-recurring gains and
Net cash flows from
operating activities
Basic earnings per share
-0.2657 -0.7291 63.56% 0.1062
Diluted earnings per share
-0.2657 -0.7291 63.56% 0.1062
Return on weighted average Up 13.52 percentage
-10.43% -23.95% 3.15%
net assets points
(2) Quarterly main accounting data
Unit: RMB
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Operating income 75,090,604.86 154,152,937.21 296,803,666.77 168,180,448.44
Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed -38,834,600.08 -55,263,549.01 -48,481,519.82 -17,583,571.76
Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed
Company after deducting -53,403,178.00 -74,102,376.48 -65,686,340.91 -32,775,678.32
non-recurring gains and
Net cash flows from
-34,049,453.61 234,637,536.91 18,368,492.90 -11,788,173.94
operating activities
Whether there are significant differences between the above-mentioned financial indexes or its total number and the relevant
financial indexes disclosed in the Company"s quarterly report and semi-annual report
□ Yes No
Summary of the Annual Report of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd. of 2022
(1) Particulars about ordinary shareholders, preferred shareholders with voting rights recovered and top ten shareholders
Unit: share
Total number Total number
Total number
of ordinary of preferred
of Total number of preferred
shareholders shareholders
shareholders shareholders whose voting
as of the end whose voting
in the rights were restored at the
ordinary end of the month prior to
preceding restored at
shares at the the date of annual report
the date of end of the
end of the disclosed
annual report reporting
disclosed period
Top ten shareholders
Number of shares Pledge, marking or freezing
Nature of Shareholding Number of shares
Shareholders" name held with restrictive State of
shareholders ratio held Quantity
conditions for sales share
(INTERNATIONAL) LTD. legal person
Shenzhen Guangju State-owned
Industrial Co., Ltd. legal person
Shenzhen Energy Group State-owned
Co., Ltd. legal person
LIMITED legal person
Zeng Ying natural 1.19% 7,159,600
China Merchants Securities Overseas
(HK) Co., Ltd. legal person
Meiyi Investment Real non-state-
Estate Co., Ltd. owned legal
Haitong International
Securities Company 0.65% 3,908,357
legal person
Limited-Account Client
Huang Yilong natural 0.64% 3,866,500
Li Baoqin natural 0.51% 3,048,150
Explanation of the 1. The Shenzhen Energy Group Co., Ltd. holds 100% equity in the HONG KONG NAM HOI
association or acting in (INTERNATIONAL) LTD..
concert of the above- 2. The company does not know whether the above-mentioned other public shareholders have any
mentioned shareholders association or are persons acting in concert.
Shareholders involving
margin business (if No
(2) Total preferred shareholders of the Company and shares held by top ten preferred shareholders
□Applicable Not applicable
The Company has no preferred shareholders during the reporting period.
Summary of the Annual Report of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd. of 2022
(3) Disclosure of the Company"s property rights and control relationships in the form of a block chart
□Applicable Not applicable
III. Important matters
During the reporting period, there are no significant changes in the Company"s operating conditions. For other important matters,
please refer to the full text of the Annual Report 2022 of the Company.
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